Loy Wei Win


Robotic enthusiast, human-robot interaction researcher

View the Project on GitHub LoyWeiWin/RoboticPortfolio


Technical Proficiency:

Rhinoceros 3D, 3D Grasshopper, Python, C#, RobotStudio, RTDE, Arduino IDE, Cura / Flashprint, Augmented Reality


Collaborative Robots (UR5, UR10, UR16e annd ABB GoFA), 3D Printing: Flashforge / Ultimaker, Laser Cutting: Trotec.


Work Experience

Research Fellow @ Bond University (August 2024 - Present)

Research Assistant @ Queensland University of Technology (December 2023 - June 2024)


Talks & Lectures

Publications / Workshops / Exhibitions

  1. Loy, W. W. (2024). Exploring with augmented reality-enabled human robotic collaboration (AR-HRC) system: An Interactive Workshop with collaborative robot for lightweight structure [Workshop]. CAADRIA 2024, Singapore University of Technology and Design. https://caadria2024.org/workshop-individual-4/
  2. Loy, W. W., Franze, A., Donovan, J., Teixeira, M., Adcock, M., & Rittenbruch, M. (2024). Design considerations for AR-enabled human-robot collaboration for fabrication-centric architectural design process: A co-design workshop approach. Interaction Design and Architecture(s), 61, 117–143. https://doi.org/10.55612/s-5002-061-004
  3. Johansen, S. S., Browning, Y., Brumpton, A., Donovan, J., Rittenbruch, M., & Loy, W. W. (2024). Robotic blended sonification. 29th International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA) [Exhibition]. ISEA ’24, Queensland, Australia.
  4. Loy, W. W., Franze, A., Teixeira, F. F., Shafiei, M., Teixeira, M. F. L. A., Rittenbruch, M., Caldwell, G., & Donovan, J. (2024). Augmented Reality (AR) as a facilitator in collaborative architectural design-fabrication processes. In Proceedings of CONVR 2024, Sydney, Australia.
  5. Haskell, N., Belek Fialho Teixeira, M., Chamarro-Koc, M., Loy, W. W., Chhikara, K., Suresh, S., Wille, M.-L., Hughes, B., Little, P., & Beatson, A. (2024). Enhanced Supply Chain 5.0 Advanced Manufacturing Workflows for Regional Healthcare Resilience. In Proceedings of the 51st International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering (CIE51), UNSW Sydney, Australia, 9–11 December 2024.
  6. Johansen, S. S., Senaratne, H., Burden, A., Loy, W. W., Balasuriya, S. S., Caldwell, G., Donovan, J., Duenser, A., Jiang, Y., McGrath, M., Nejati, M., Paris, C., Rittenbruch, M., & Sitbon, L. (2024). Collaborative robots for empowering people: Key insights from an OzCHI workshop. Proceedings of the 36th Australian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (OzCHI ’24).
  7. Loy, W. W., Donovan, J., & Lavery, N. (2023). Robot or Puppy Dog: Explore the Role of Augmented Reality in Visualising Robot Intentions [Video Submission]. OzCHI ’23, Wellington, New Zealand. https://github.com/workshopHRI/OzCHI2023/blob/master/assets/papers/OzCHI’23%20-%20Robot%20or%20Puppy%20Dog%20-%20Exploring%20the%20Role%20of%20Augmented%20Reality%20Interfaces%20in%20Visualizing%20Robot%20Intentions.mp4
  8. Loy, W. W. (2022). AR-enabled human-robot collaboration for exploratory design-fabrication [Position Paper]. OzCHI ’22, Canberra, Australia. https://github.com/HRC-workshop/HRC-workshop.github.io/blob/main/assets/position_papers/AR-enabled%20human-robot%20collaboration%20for%20exploratory%20design-fabrication.pdf
  9. O’Rourke, T., & Loy, W. W. (2021). Architecture as Indigenous heritage: Extant and virtual dormitories in Cherbourg. In What If? What Next? Speculations on History’s Futures. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ), Perth, WA, Australia, 18–25 November 2020. SAHANZ.